January 6, 2025

Manfred Schütz, founder of SPV and founder and managing director of MIG Music, passed away on January 3, 2025 at the age of 74 after a long and serious illness.

Manfred was a driving force in the music industry. By founding SPV in 1984, he created a platform that enabled independent artists and labels to gain worldwide recognition. SPV grew to become one of the most significant entities in the independent label sector, particularly in the rock, metal and electronic scenes, and for many years was the largest independent music distributor in Europe.

After leaving SPV, Manfred founded MIG Music, where he dedicated himself to preserving musical treasures from oblivion. Thanks to his immense musical knowledge, many remarkable releases have been realized.

MIG Music says: "We often received e-mails from fans expressing their gratitude for the work of MIG Music.

"Manfred was not only a music enthusiast and businessman, but also an open and warm person. His office door was always open and he always had time to listen to his employees.

"We will miss Manfred very much. We are not only losing a boss, but above all a dear friend.

"We fully agree with the words of Ecki Stieg, a friend and companion, in his tribute: 'With Manfred we are losing a label boss of the 'old school' with all his quirks and eccentricities, as well as a true connoisseur and fan.'"

MIG Music will continue under the management of Tanja Michaelis and Volker Pape.

It was January 1984 when SPV metal/hard rock sub-label Steamhammer, named after Schütz's favorite band, released its first own production, an album titled "Common Times Heroes" by local act HARDWARE. Within just a few years, the label, having enlisted groups such as SODOM, DESTRUCTION, ASSASSIN and IRON ANGEL, flourished both on a national and an international level. At the time, Steamhammer also licensed acts such as METAL CHURCH, TROUBLE, LÄÄZ ROCKIT and LEATHERWOLF.

The following decades saw several generations of talented bands and artists, such as Axel Rudi Pell, STEELER and ZED YAGO, develop into globally successful acts under Steamhammer's aegis. In the 1990s, Steamhammer became home to numerous international icons such as MOTÖRHEAD, DIO, JUDAS PRIEST, SAXON, LYNYRD SKYNYRD and MOLLY HATCHET. In the new millennium, additional globally successful releases by WHITESNAKE, ALICE COOPER, HELLOWEEN, KREATOR, GAMMA RAY, KAMELOT and Doro followed.

Photo credit: Martin Huch (courtesy of MIG Music)

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